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  • Little, Brown US

Hanger Management: Master Your Hunger and Improve Your Mood, Mind, and Relationships

Susan Albers

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Fitness & diet, Self-help & personal development

The complete program for mastering your "hanger," from mindful-eating pioneer Dr. Susan Albers -- with 45 tips to turn hanger into happiness.

It happens to all of us. One minute you're happily going about your day and a few seconds later you're a snappy, illogical jerk. The culprit? Hanger.

We're living busier lives than ever before, and when you forget to eat - or eat well - due to stress or unhappiness, your extreme hunger can negatively affect your emotional and psychological well-being. And the worst part is that when you're overly hungry, you're more likely to make bad food decisions (ever grabbed a big, greasy slice of pizza just because it was the fastest, easiest thing?), which sets you up for another hanger crash later on. HANGER MANAGEMENT is the book to break this dangerous and unhealthy cycle.

In HANGER MANAGEMENT, New York Times bestselling author and clinical psychologist Susan Albers sheds light on the causes of hanger and shares 45 of her best tips for managing emotional eating. By learning to stay on top of your hunger cues, cultivating a better understanding of your appetite and creating a better overall relationship with food, you'll become a happier - and healthier - person for life.

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