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  • Little, Brown Audio
  • Abacus

Saving Britain: How We Must Change to Prosper in Europe

Will Hutton, Andrew Adonis

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Politics & government

An essential and detailed account of the benefits of Europe, and how we must keep the best of them in whatever agreement we negotiate.

Britain's Brexit voters are right. They have been shamefully neglected. But the answer is to change Britain, not to leave Europe. This book sets out how we can radically improve the lives of people and communities shut out from prosperity.

The EU, despite its frailties and strains, is a success story.
The advantages of leaving are illusory: no gains in trade from deals with protectionist China and the United States can compensate for what is being lost in Europe. Britain is weakening a pillar of the world's diplomatic and trade order at the same time as weakening itself - an act of self-harm, especially when so many countries are retreating from democracy, free trade and progressive values.

In Saving Britain Will Hutton and Andrew Adonis set out a bold plan to transform Britain and fight for Europe as a force for good at home and abroad.

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Will Hutton

Will Hutton is Principal of Hertford College, co-founder of the Big Innovation Centre and a columnist for the Observer, where he was Editor, then Editor-in-Chief for four years. He began his career in journalism as economics editor for the BBC's Newsnight and for the Guardian.

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