A thousand years in the future, mankind's influence expands into the universe. Alastair Reynolds' epic vision of our journey into deep space will redefine Space Opera.
Chiku Yellow is earthbound: living a peaceful life on a changing world as humanity explores a thousand new ways to experience life.
Chiku Red is space-bound: blasted into deep space to investigate Eunice Akinya's last journey, and maybe discover the final secrets of space travel.
Chiku Green is planet-bound: travelling thousands of lightyears to the planet Crucible. A new home for humankind; it's a habitable planet hosting a fascinating alien labyrinth.
All three are Chiku Akinya.
All three are pivotal to our future in space.
All three are in danger...
It's rare to find a writer with sufficient nerve and stamina to write novels that are big enough to justify using words like "revelation" and "redemption". Reynolds pulls it off - PUBLISHERS WEEKLY
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