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The Erstwhile: Book Two in the Vorrh Trilogy

Brian Catling

5 Reviews

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Vorrh Trilogy, Fiction, Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945), Science fiction, Fantasy

Lose yourself again in the heady, mythical expanse of the Vorrh.

The Vorrh is a vast unmapped and very mysterious jungle in Africa. No-one comes out of it in one piece.

Survivors report strange, mind-bending phenomena and horrific monsters. It is rumoured that the Garden of Eden still exists somewhere in the middle of it.

In The Erstwhile it transpires that some angels have escaped Eden and the Vorrh and are living in hiding in London, some in disguise as lunatics in Bedlam. It's also revealed that William Blake, a character in these novels, is interacting with these angels.

Good and evil angels and humans, including William Blake, are heading towards a final, Miltonic apocalyptic battle for the soul of humanity.

The Erstwhile is the second book in the Vorrh trilogy.

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Praise for The Erstwhile: Book Two in the Vorrh Trilogy

  • Praise for The Vorrh - :

  • In Brian Catling's phosphorescent masterpiece The Vorrh we have one of the most original and stunning works of fantasy that has ever been my privilege to read, a brilliant and sustained piece of invention which establishes a benchmark not just for imaginative writing but for the human imagination in itself. After investigating other worlds of fantasy, The Vorrh is like a first experience of the ocean. Read this book, and marvel. - Alan Moore

  • There are not many books that rearrange the molecules of your being, turning your eyes inside out. The Vorrh, this saturnine post-traumatic testament, is one of them. A work of genius. - Iain Sinclair

  • Brian Catling is simply a genius. His writing is so extraordinary it hurts, it makes me realize how little imagination I have. - Terry Gilliam

  • When even the warts of a novel are winning, it s hard to misunderstand that you have something special on your hands, and The Vorrh is absolutely that. Equal parts dark fantasy and surrealist dream, it is inescapably dense, and unrelentingly intense. Shelve it shoulder to shoulder with 2012s other most notable novels, be they of the genre or not, then consider carefully which stands lacking in comparison. -

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