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  • Hodder Faith
  • Hodder Faith

A New Kind of Christianity: Ten questions that are transforming the faith

Brian D. Mclaren

3 Reviews

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Prose: non-fiction, Religion: general, Christian life & practice

A provocative look at ten controversial questions that could lead to the radical transformation of Christianity.

Groundbreaking author Brian McLaren, voice of the Christian emergent movement and author of the 'New Kind of Christian' series, poses ten controversial questions that could lead to a radical redefinition of the Christian faith.

What is the overarching storyline of the Bible?
What is the Gospel?
Why is sexuality such a divisive issue among Christians?
How should followers of Jesus relate to people of other religions?

McLaren gives his own responses to these questions, inviting the reader to a new and generous way of thinking about Christianity.

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Praise for A New Kind of Christianity: Ten questions that are transforming the faith

  • Brian's writing is brave and honest, vulnerable and courageous, disturbing and unsettling, reassuring and hopeful. Every now and then you come across a book you've been waiting for. A NEW KIND OF CHRISTIANITY is that book. - Steve Chalke MBE, Founder of Oasis Global

  • McLaren's A NEW KIND OF CHRISTIANITY is in every way, a dispatch from the front, it is also a love-letter of sorts - a love letter from an affectionate, but seasoned pastor to those who would dare to believe, worship and serve not only now, but also beyond now, into the roiling, churning decades ahead. - Phyllis Tickle, author of The Great Emergence

  • I managed to miss train stops twice while reading Brian's book! A sure sign it had me gripped. Brian lays out ten questions that a lot of people are asking about Christianity, on things like the Bible, sexuality, Jesus, the gospel, church and the future, and in his relaxed style probes them in a way that often reframes the question. The most important thing about A NEW KIND OF CHRISTIANITY is that it lays open a space where asking questions and talking about them is a good thing to do, and not something to be afraid of; it's a book that shows that asking questions is often accompanied by passionate faith. - Jonny Baker

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Brian D. Mclaren

Brian McLaren is a bestselling author, internationally acclaimed speaker and outspoken advocate for 'a new kind of Christianity'. Named one of Time magazine's 25 most influential Evangelical Christians, McLaren was a pastor for over 20 years. He is a frequent guest on radio and television programmes, and an in-demand blogger on faith and public policy ( @brianmclaren

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