Harry wished he was a million miles away, but this is getting ridiculous...
Abducted by aliens, Harry wakes up on his birthday marooned on a spaceship. His only companions: two freaky princess clones, a weird alien-fish-kangaroo hybrid with delusions of grandeur and a ship's computer with a serious attitude problem. It's the worst birthday ever.
How is he ever going to get back to Earth now?
A brilliantly silly new story from the winner of the Roald Dahl Funny Prize
Jamie Thomson is the minion and slave of the Dark Lord, Dirk Lloyd. He's an author and games developer who has written numerous choose-your-own-adventure style gamebooks and worked on many computer games from the Tower of Despair (1984) to Warrior Kings: Battles (2003) Jamie Thomson lives in the dungeons below his Master's Iron Tower in East Sussex, where he spends every day writing for his overlord.
His book, Dark Lord: The Teenage Years, was the 2012 Roald Dahl Funny Prize winner.