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  • Little, Brown Young Readers US

Be Glad Your Dad...(Is Not An Octopus!)

Matthew Logelin, Sara Jensen, Jared Chapman

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Fiction, Humorous stories (Children's / Teenage)


Be glad your dad is not a dog, because he would lick your face to say hello!

Most of the time, you're glad your dad is your dad, until he gets grouchy, bossy, or just totally gross. Then you wish you could swap him for something else. But be careful what you wish for, because it could be way worse....

In this silly what-if story, kids will roar with laughter at the misadventures of a monkey dad, an alligator dad, a whale dad, and even a unicorn dad! But nothing can replace the dads who love them more than anything in the whole wide world.

Be sure to check out the fun facts about the animals in the story in the back of the book!

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