Still bruised by the satanic events at Monkswell, Richard Torrey and Kate Mallory find themselves embroiled in another battle with the forces of darkness...
Journalist Kate Mallory is covering a routine case of vandalism in a local churchyard when she comes across a mysterious foreign banknote and a drawing of an ancient talisman, the Seal of Ashmedai, used in rituals of black magic. At the same time, Richard Torrey is haunted by a young woman, dressed in white, who begs his help. But why can no one else see or hear her Together, Kate and Richard decide to investigate a possible connection between these random events. They do not expect to find themselves embroiled in an attempt to create the havoc of war in the Middle East, large-scale currency counterfeiting - and devil worship.
Hutchinson knows how to spin a good yarn. - Birmingham Evening Mail on The Deverell Woman
Meg Hutchinson's storytelling skills are attracting a bigger and bigger audience. - Newcastle Evening Chronicle on No Place For a Woman
The mistress of simmering sagas. - Peterborough Evening Telegraph on The Peppercorn Woman
Meg Hutchinson lived for sixty years in Wednesbury, where her parents and grandparents spent all their lives. Her passion for storytelling reaped dividends, with her novels regularly appearing in bestseller lists. She was the undisputed queen of the clogs and shawls saga. Passionate about history, her meticulous research provided an authentic context to the action-packed narratives set in the Black Country. She died in February 2010.