Meg Hutchinson's captivating saga features a loveable and strong-willed heroine.
When Myra Brent's sister Eden visits her at Moorcroft House, instead of being welcomed, Eden receives a stinging slap. Eden is devastated by her sister's cruel behaviour. Myra is simply trying to prevent her beloved sister from catching the predatory eye of Ava Russell, the cruel mistress of Moorcroft House. But her action is to have dire consequences. Believing herself abandoned, Eden sets off, penniless, to make her way in the world alone.
Eden will enjoy the kindness of strangers; but her path will also cross that of vicious evildoers, bent only on drawing innocents into their web of depravity and corruption. And in the meantime, Myra makes the greatest sacrifice of all - for the love of her sister.
Hutchinson knows how to spin a good yarn. One for those cold nights curled up in front of the fire. - Birmingham Evening Mail on THE DEVERELL WOM
A beautiful piece of imaginative living fiction. - North Wales Chronicle on UNHOLY LOVE
The mistress of simmering sagas gives us the story of another heroine, whose spirit and courage will entrance readers. - Peterborough Evening Telegraph on PEPPERCOR
Meg Hutchinson lived for sixty years in Wednesbury, where her parents and grandparents spent all their lives. Her passion for storytelling reaped dividends, with her novels regularly appearing in bestseller lists. She was the undisputed queen of the clogs and shawls saga. Passionate about history, her meticulous research provided an authentic context to the action-packed narratives set in the Black Country. She died in February 2010.