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  • Hodder & Stoughton
  • Hodder & Stoughton
  • Hodder & Stoughton
  • Hodder & Stoughton
  • Hodder & Stoughton

The Day It Finally Happens: Alien Contact, Dinosaur Parks, Immortal Humans - And Other Possible Phenomena

Mike Pearl

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Social forecasting, future studies, Natural disasters, Outdoor survival skills

A speculative glimpse at the numerous possibilities of how the world will end and what happens when it does, written by VICE journalist Mike Pearl


If you live on planet Earth, you're probably scared about the future.

Terrorism, complicated international relations, global warming, killer viruses and a raft of other issues make it hard not to be.

Watching the news you have to wonder: is it safe to go out there or not?

In The Day It Finally Happens, Mike Pearl games out many of the 'could it really happen?' scenarios we've all speculated about, assigning a probability rating, and taking us through how it would unfold. He explores what would likely occur in dozens of possible scenarios - the final failure of antibiotics, the loss of the world's marine life, the abolition of the British monarchy, and even the arrival of aliens - and reports back from the future, providing a clear picture on how the world would look, feel, and even smell in each of these instances.

Hilarious, enlightening, and terrifying, this book makes science accessible and is a unique form of existential therapy, offering practical answers to some of our most worrisome questions.

Thankfully, the odds of humanity pulling through look pretty good.

For fans of such bestsellers as What If?,The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook and The Uninhabitable Earth, as well as Steven Pinker and Malcolm Gladwell, this is a book about future events that we don't really understand and getting to know them in close detail.

Entertaining speculation featuring both authoritative research and a bit of mischief: a look at how humanity is likely to weather such happenings as the day nuclear war occurs, the day the global internet goes down, the day we run out of effective antibiotics, and the day immortality is achieved.

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