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Commando Dad: Forest School Adventures: Get Outdoors with Your Kids

Neil Sinclair, Tara Sinclair

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Father’s Day, Advice on parenting, Outdoor survival skills


Rally the troops - let's head outdoors

Ex-Commando, proud dad-of-three and bestselling author of Commando Dad: Basic Training, Neil Sinclair is back with this briefing on how to inspire and entertain your kids in the great outdoors.

Suitable for children aged 3 and up, this illustrated field guide is loaded with dozens of activities, games and crafts for you and your troops to enjoy, including:
- Build a shelter in the woods
- Learn to tie knots
- Make a hotel for creepy crawlies
- Get creative with leaf printing
- Share campfire stories

These Forest School mission briefs will make sure your squad learns valuable skills, stays safe and has a lot of fun. Embrace the tried-and-tested Commando Dad approach to parenting and embark on some unforgettable outdoor adventures.

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