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  • Hodder Children's Books

Starstormers: Catfang: Book 3

Nicholas Fisk

2 Reviews

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Starstormers, For National Curriculum Key Stage 3, Interest age: from c 12 years, Fiction, Adventure stories (Children's / Teenage), Science fiction (Children's / Teenage)

Hodder's Silver list brings back into print classic science fiction from the masterful author of Trillions, Grinny and A Rag, a Bone and a Hank of Hair.

Built to take the four children to join their parents on Epsilon Cool, Starstormer is showing dangerous signs of wear and tear - and the vehicle of their escape is now their prison. The Starstormers have been forced to leave Epsilon Cool to evade the Octopus Emperor's intention of employing them in his workforce, and the failings of their homemade spaceship contribute to the strained atmosphere on board. As tensions rise, distraction suddenly appears in the shape of a stowaway: a tousled, spiky, wet, filthy kitten. Cleaned up (and given a name), Fang, he entertains the children with his antics. But not for long! Starstormer is once again under attack - and Fang plays an amazing part in the great battle in space ...

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Praise for Starstormers: Catfang: Book 3

  • A most entertaining writer, Fisk could be described as the Huxley-Wyndham-Golding of children's literature scaled, but not watered down. - Twentieth Century Children's Writers

  • It wasn't Asimov, Clarke or any of the other towering figures of the pantheon that got me reading SF - it was Nicholas Fisk. - SFX

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