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  • Timber Press

The New Rules of the Roost: Organic Care and Feeding for the Family Flock

Robert Litt, Hannah Litt

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Animal husbandry, Green lifestyle & self-sufficiency, Home & house maintenance, Birds, including cage birds, as pets

A must-have guide for chicken owners looking for deeper information on keeping their flock healthy and happy.

The Litts offer the best organic methods for keeping backyard chickens safe and healthy. Gail Damerow, author of The Guide to Raising ChickensThe New Rules of the Roost goes beyond the basics and addresses the real problems that crop up over time with backyard chickens. This hardworking guide covers a wide range of topics including organic health remedies and disease prevention, pest management, organic nutrition, the best breeds for specific needs, and the simplest options for daily maintenance and feeding. You'll also learn tips and tricks for introducing new birds into your flock, managing aggressive behavior, caring for mature chickens, and much more.

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