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  • Workman Adult

1001 Ways to Energize Employees

Bob B Nelson, Barton Morris

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Management: leadership & motivation, Personnel & human resources management

Take the brakes off your business. In the perfect follow-up to 1001 Ways to Reward Employees, the innovative book that has sold over one million copies, Bob Nelson reveals what real companies across America are doing to get the very best out of their employees-and why it's the key to their success. Energizing is listening-AT&T's Universal Card Service's employee suggestion system yields 1,200 ideas a month and millions of dollars in savings. Energizing is encouraging risk-taking-Hershey Foods gives out The Exalted Order of the Extended Neck Award. Energizing is Starbuck's making employees partners, Saturn creating teams that function as independent small businesses, Springfield Remanufacturing's opening its books to all employees. With case studies, examples, techniques, research highlights, and quotes from business leaders, 1001 Ways to Energize Employees is invaluable for managers seeking to increase employee enthusiasm and involvement.

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