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The Little Book of Spiritualism

Tracie Long, Tracie Long

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Spiritualism, Mind, body, spirit: meditation & visualisation, Psychic powers & psychic phenomena

The Little Book of Spiritualism is your spiritual guide.

This mini manual provides the perfect introduction to spiritualism and the spirit world, full of techniques, thoughts, terminology and quotes to guide you in your own spiritual journey. From spirit guides to mediums and angels to affirmations, this little book is a fascinating insight into spirituality and how it can transform your life.

The Ranks of the Angels
In total, there are said to be nine levels of angels, and this is a brief summary and hierarchy of the angels, from highest to lowest.

Seraphim are the highest order of the hierarchy of angels. These angelic beings spend their time worshipping and praising God.

Cherubim are the second highest order. They are depicted on the Ark of the Covenant as its guardians. God sent them to guard Eden after the expulsion of Adam and Eve.

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