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  • Welbeck

Wrinklies Joke Book: Jokes, Quotes and Funny Stories for the Golden Generation

Mike Haskins, Clive Whichelow

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Jokes & riddles, Gift books

Jokes, quotes and stories that will strike a chord with the older generation.

This sparkling collection of golden age wit and wisdom is proof-positive that the stereotypes of knitting grannies and doddering granddads just aren't true anymore if, indeed, they ever were. Senior citizens are not going gentle into that good night. They're still out there, living life to the full, taking selfies, 'silver surfing' the net and showing the rest of us how to grow up and grow old disgracefully. Because as Maurice Chevalier said, 'Old age isn't so bad when you consider the alternative.'

This is a joke book specifically designed for oldies, so look out you young whippersnappers you probably won't get half of them!

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