A novel of love, separation, infidelity and indecision - set in the 1950s and
1960sClare and Kathy are young, inexperienced and very much in love with their men. But being 'married to the navy' is harder than either of them imagined. With a husband at sea and a new baby to consider, Clare finds herself coping with motherhood alone, and when Martyn returns he is unsure how to deal with her new-found independence. As for Kathy, newly engaged to Brian, temptations come her way which are impossible to ignore.
Even when all their lives seem to be settling into some sort of routine, it seems that their troubles are only just beginning.
Lilian Harry grew up in Gosport, on the shores of Portsmouth Harbour, and now lives on the edge of Dartmoor with two miniature schnauzers who allow her just enough room on the sofa. She is a keen bellringer and walker, and enjoys taking part in village life. Her daughter and two grandchildren live nearby.
Follow Lilian on Twitter @LilianHarry or visit www.orionbooks.co.uk to find out more.