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  • Hachette Go

Joy is My Justice: Reclaim What Is Yours

Tanmeet Sethi

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Coping with illness & specific conditions, Coping with stress, Assertiveness, motivation & self-esteem

Reclaim your joy and personal power and find healing in this radical guide to powerful stories and meditations rooted in neuroscience.

If you think finding Joy is "too hard, too much to hope for," or only for people who are "resilient enough," if you've been made to feel broken or that your pain is your fault, here is a radical guide that will open you to the potential of healing, rooted in powerful stories, potent guided exercises and meditations, and neuroscience.

In Joy Is My Justice, Integrative Medicine Physician and activist Tanmeet Sethi shares her methods for shifting your nervous system and biochemistry into Joy at the cellular level. You can reclaim Joy-as you reclaim your personal power, strength, and purpose-despite the burden of living in an unjust world, despite past traumas, and despite what a whitewashed wellness world says about your capacity to do so.

Everyone alive will endure great pain-multiple times and usually beyond your control. An invitation to everyone whom "wellness" has left behind, Joy Is My Justice will help you rediscover your Joy, not as a destination or solution but as a profound practice for healing. Every footstep you take toward Joy is a radical act of Justice.

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