Emma (ne Cox) and Joe Sheridan have just got married. Emma has been in love with Joe since school - marrying him was the happiest day of her life. But now the honeymoon is over and Emma's having to cope with the reality of married life. She's living in a new town, has a new job and a new husband, who hasn't quite left his bachelor days behind him.Then there's Emma's interfering mother-in-law who's expecting the patter of tiny feet before Joe's even carried her over the threshold!
Still, at least she and Joe are together at last. But Joe and Emma have never lived with each other before - and apart from the odd holiday - have never spent more than two weeks in each other's company. Setting up home together for the first time might be romantic, but nobody told them that living happily ever after takes a lot of hard work . . .
Zoe Barnes writes wonderfully escapist novels, firmly based in reality. - (Express)
An enjoyable and moving read. - (Daily Mail)
A great book for anyone who likes their romance laced with a healthy dose of real life. - (Observer)
Another great read from the best-selling author of Bumps, Hitched and Hot Property - (Womans Own)
Zoe Barnes' varied career included stints as a hearing-aid technician, shorthand teacher, French translator and the worst accounts clerk in the entire world. When not writing her own novels, she translated other people's and also worked as a semi-professional singer. She died in autumn 2009. www.zoebarnes.supanet.com.