The perfect introducton to the latest must have cooking gadget for aspiring chefs.
Sous vide is a method of cooking food in vacuum-sealed pouches in a water bath at an accurately determined temperature. This enables the food to be cooked evenly, retaining the juices and aromas which are often lost by traditional cooking methods. Meat, in particular, becomes tender and succulent when cooked in a sous vide.
Professional chefs such as Heston Blumenthal have favoured this form of cooking for some time and featured it on their TV shows.Now manufacturers are making water baths available at affordable prices for cooking at home so that all of us can benefit from this new method of cooking.
Norma Miller is a successful food writer and author of The Juicing Secret and co-author with Annette Yates of Slow Cooking: Best New Recipes, and the Fresh & Fast series: Meals from the Hob, Meals from the Oven and Meals from the Microwave. She also runs the TasteTalk food consultancy with Annette Yates.