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  • Quercus Children's Books
  • Quercus Children's Books

Wilf the Mighty Worrier Battles a Pirate: Book 2

Georgia Pritchett, Jamie Littler

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For National Curriculum Key Stage 2, Interest age: from c 7 years, Fiction, Coping with anxiety & phobias, Adventure stories (Children's / Teenage), Humorous stories (Children's / Teenage), Personal & social issues: self-awareness & self-es

Fantastically funny Wilf was shortlisted for the Laugh Out Loud Book Awards!

Meet Wilf. He worries about everything. He is a Mighty Worrier. And now the most evil man in the world has decided to get piratey...

Things Wilf was worried about before:

1. Lion dentists.
2. Creepy crawlies wearing wigs.
3. Marmite.

Things Wilf is worried about now:

4. The most evil man in the world.
5. Anyone called Alan.
6. Alan deciding to become a pirate and destroy the world.

Alan is Wilf's self-styled evil lunatic next-door-neighbour. He has a grumpy robot sidekick and a silent right-hand-dog, Kevin Phillips. He is ridiculous. But when Alan decides that pirating is an excellent way to destroy the world, Wilf knows he will have to overcome his fear of parrots and anxiety of walking the plank to stop him...

Join Wilf for a fantastically funny adventure, illustrated throughout by Jamie Littler!

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Georgia Pritchett

Georgia Pritchett is a comedy writer who has written for a number of TV comedies and comedians including The Thick Of It, Veep, Miranda, Have I Got News For You, Smack the Pony, Graham Norton, Jo Brand, Paul Merton, Lenny Henry, Ronnie Corbett, Wallace and Gromit and several other real, fictional and occasionally plasticine people. Wilf the Mighty Worrier is Georgia's first work for children. She lives in London with her partner and two children.

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