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Do you have a child who is about to start school? We all want our kids to be prepared for this big event when it happens, but it can also be overwhelming listening to well-meaning friends and family give advice on how they prepared their own children for this transition. So how do you approach this important event with minimal stress? What can you do to get them ready to learn to read and develop a life-long love of books?

Keep the leadup to school simple and stress free. Don’t overwhelm children with too many educational books and activities. Approach any learning gently and make it enjoyable.

We suggest using these wipe-clean activity books. They’re not only appealing to children, but also contain supportive tips and information for parents. They’re the perfect stress-free way to prepare your child for school, introducing early educational concepts and easing anxiety – both yours and your child’s.

Here are three fun and entertaining wipe-clean activity books that will be a springboard for your child’s lifelong love of learning. They’re the first steps to school success!

  • I'm Starting School: First Phonics - Pat-a-Cake, Becky Down

    This is fun and engaging First Phonics activity book that will give children a head start as they get to grips with learning to read and write at school. It gently introduces children to phonics and equips parents with the tools and information needed to support them.

  • I'm Starting School: First Numbers - Pat-a-Cake, Becky Down

    This introduces children to number recognition and counting skills in a fun way, with funny pictures and silly jokes that children will love. Carefully crafted activities will reinforce number-writing practice and recognition.

  • I'm Starting School: First Writing - Pat-a-Cake, Becky Down

    A fun and engaging First Writing activity book that will give children a head start by introducing children to handwriting skills with carefully chosen practice words that increase a child's vocabulary. Perfect for both right and left-handed children.

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